Friend of Graza: Matthew Langille

Friend of Graza: Matthew Langille

The artist and designer details the sauce he would most like to paint with, his bucket-list project, and why he loves CMOs! 

Q: How do you describe yourself?

M: I’m an artist, father and husband. I’m a serial collaborator. I love product and working with others. I’ve been working with brands for 22 years on fun collabs.

Q: Finish this sentence, cooking for me is…

M: Essential. My wife and I love to cook. I actually have a hard time going out to eat because we use better ingredients and products in our kitchen. 

Q: Tell us about your proudest moment or ‘pinch me’ moment during your career as an artist?

M: Definitely seeing my work for Swatches Artist collection in 2009 on billboards in Times Square and all over the world. That never gets old. 

Q: If you had to paint or draw with one condiment, sauce, or oil what would it be? What would you create?

M: I’d use chocolate syrup. I’ve done it in the past and the viscosity and dark color is great. It just doesn’t dry right.

Q: Are you more of a Sizzler or a Drizzler?

M: I’m both to be honest. Gotta Sizzle to Drizzle

Q: Any words of wisdom, quotes, or mottos you live by?

M: No one cares about you more than you. I also think most mottos are true because they became mottos for a reason.

Q: Who do you turn to, watch, or follow for inspiration?

M: I’m super inspired by cpg now and marketing also. I think adding my IP and artwork to brands is just the best. So for inspiration I look to new brands. New owners and creators of those brands. People willing to take a risk because I’m super risk averse. So I tend to love connecting with those kinds of creatives. CMOs are my favorite people.

Q: Is there a bucket list canvas or site you would love to paint on? 

M: I’d love to have a store / cafe with just my products for sale and the interior etc all designed by me. I have a lot of work. I’m very prolific so I’m running out space in my home.

Q: What’s on the horizon for you?

M: Fun collabs galore! I have one of my largest collabs coming out this month and this summer I have a really fun one coming also. I’m working on all kinds of fun products with all kinds of fun brands. From fashion to cpg. Pet toys, stuffed animals, clothing, food and beverage etc etc. Collaborations are great but they take time to come out so it’s always exciting when they are finally public so I can spill the beans! 

You can find more of Matthew's work and art on his IG and his website:

