Friend of Graza: Jasper Lynn

Friend of Graza: Jasper Lynn

The LA chef behind Rosalynn Supper club shares the origin of the world's first Asian Chimichurri, showstopping scallops, and the perfect playlist vibes for a dinner party.

Q: How do you describe yourself?

J: As a passionate food lover and chef who's known for being outside the box for challenging conventions, always asking, "why not?" I love pushing boundaries and experimenting with unique flavor combinations, rather than adhering to traditional pairings. This adventurous spirit is evident in my latest creation: the world's first Asian Chimichurri, YEAT HAY( yeeet Hay!) which defies expectations with its distinctive flavor and color (and it's not green!).

Q: Finish this sentence: Cooking for me is __________

J: Fulfilling in every sense of the word. Being able to create dishes that I love to eat and share a part of myself with others is everything I could ever ask for. I love seeing the joy on people's faces when they taste my food and knowing I've created something memorable for them while creating connections over food. 

Q: Who are your biggest culinary inspirations? 

J: Definitely my dad-- he used to cook for the family and would always surprise me with a dish after watching Iron Chef, saying that the dish was the "secret ingredient." Especially Oxtail Borscht Stew: it's got this fattiness from the beef, the sweetness of the tomato and carrots mixed with some acidity from the Worchestshire. Over a bit of rice it was simple dish and it's one of my fondest memories growing up. 

I'm inspired by so much of California cuisine, but my mentors, Chef Andrew Wong and Gaba Oishi, really set the tone for me, teaching me everything I needed to succeed. Today, Chef Diego Argot (Poltergeist), Chef Anthony Nguyen (Sawa), Chef Max Boonthanakit (Camphor), Chef Dafne Meija (Hell's Kitchen) and Chef Timothy Hollingsworth (Otium) are top of mind in the LA food scene. I love how they're reshaping so many flavors and often thinking outside the box. 

Q: What is your go-to crowd pleaser meal when you're cooking for your friends and loved ones?

J: There are two that I can't choose between. They're just that good. I love scallops, so I prepare stunning Hokkaido scallops, hard seared with a golden crispy crust using Sizzle, and then serve them with some caviar and some YEAT HAY Sichuan Chimichurri. They're insanely tender, umami, salty, bright yet buttery. Another favorite showstopper is a whole half of Pacific Ocean trout that I roast until the skins' crispy and top with our White Truffle Chili Crisp featuring Fly by Jing and some lemon glazed scallions curls: something exclusive to us at Rosalynn. 

Q: You started Rosalynn Supper Club, an intimate dining experience that aims to bring people together and over a delicious shared meal. How do you approach creating the menus for your dinner, and what hosting tips do you have for bringing people together and setting the mood? 

J: The focus is always on hyper seasonal ingredients- we switch our menu every two weeks- and innovative flavor pairings that surprise and delight guests. To bring people together and set the mood with a warm, inviting atmosphere with communal seating, ambient lighting, and 90's-2000's R&B that complements the dining experience. Personal touches, such as sharing that stories behind each dish, also help to create a memorable and engaging evening. My top host tip? Bring some champagne or some caviar and you'll walk out with more friends than you could ever imagine. 

Q: You're also the founding chef behind YEAT HAY. What exactly is YEAT HAY, and how did it come to be? 

J: YEAT HAY is the world's first Asian Chimichurri (yes, we checked!) Taking the structural elements of chimichurri (herbaceous, acidity, spice), I wanted to showcase a part of my heritage with flavors and ingredients I grew up with: cilantro, scallions, Sichuan peppercorns, pickled garlic, shoyu, and rice vinegar. YEAT HAY which literally means "hot air" in Cantonese, usually has a connotation for eating something fried and spicy that you should stop eating. So, we decided to put the EAT into YEAT by crafting a flavor booster that makes anyone a chef with the same fine dining ingredients we use at Rosalynn but in a jar. This had to include Sizzle. The oil itself is one of the main reasons we're able to create a shelf-stable product without any preservatives while maintaining the bright, punchy, flavors we serve. 

Q: If you could cook alongside any chef (living or dead), who would it be and why?

J: That's a tough one- there are so many people I'd love to cook with. But Gordon Ramsay is at the top of my list. He's a second-life chef, having switched careers, and has become a driving force in the restaurant industry both in and outside of the kitchen. I hope to inspire others to take that leap of faith, to change the work place environments in restaurants to be more supportive and creative and to push others to pursue their passions in culinary arts. 

Q: What's your favorite ingredient to incorporate into dishes at the moment? 

J: I am absolutely in love with white carrots right now. They're insanely sweet, perfect for purées that we serve with our soy garlic duck confit, and they have this amazing crispiness that we pickle for texture and acidity. Oh, and if you glaze them on an open fire with some Sizzle and a little salt and a squeeze of lemon juice- you're in for a treat. 

Q: What's on the horizon for you?

J: We've got so much going on at Rosalynn. This coming week, we're doing my first-ever open fire roast in a family-style kamayan dinner with giant Iberico pork shoulder, roasted line-caught big eye rockfish, and whole confit duck in collaboration with Biite.Club. We're also starting our first-ever Summer Supper Club series in July, co-hosting with amazing chef friends from the likes of Hell’s Kitchen, Masterchef, Girl and the Goat, Bavel, Leonardo’s and more! It'll be hosted at LA's only farm, Little City Farms, right in the heart of Mid City. Also, be on the lookout for YEAT HAY coming to shelves and available online at it proudly uses Graza
