Friends of Graza: Michael and Lisa Fine

Friends of Graza: Michael and Lisa Fine

The couple behind Quiet Town delves into the inspiration behind their brand, the magic of a telescope, and how a cross country move brought new inspiration. 

Q: How do you describe yourself?

L: An unhinged virgo

M: A dreamer, indecisive, curious

Q: Finish this sentence, cooking for me is...

L: A fever dream of olive oil and baking trays. 

M: Sometimes a chore (we cook for the kids a lot, kinda thankless) and sometimes therapeutic (I know that sounds cliche) because I really can get into a zone...good music helps put me there. 

Q: What inspired you to start Quiet Town?

L: I was in the fashion industry for my entire career and everything seemed oversaturated––impossible to create anything new. Then one sleepless night with my newborn baby I started thinking about shower curtains and the lack of anything interesting and well-made and I just couldn't get off that train. I'd be mentally putting the design components and branding elements together in my brain while rocking my sleep-hating son to sleep. Every night. Then came all of the other forgotten bathroom elements that desperately needed a re-design: liners, bath rugs, hooks...I just couldn't stop. It was so much fun.

M: Watching Lisa work so hard on nights and weekends inspired me to wanna get involved. It was also an outlet for me to be creative/take photos in a way I hadn't before. 

Q: Three words to describe your interior design style

L: Colorful, found, lived-in

M: Modern, clean, colorful 

Q: You moved from NY to the Bay Area, how has this move changed or inspired your brand?

L: Well for one, it makes us really happy! We had always dreamed of living in California and been inspired by the "big nature" life here. Beach and hills and amazing smells aside, when we head into the "city" now it means palm trees, bougainvillea, colorful victorians and view of the bay and the ocean as opposed to tall buildings, grey concrete, and walls of mirrored windows. We're in a state of constant discovery which is so fun! You only get that a few times in your life. It's sinking in, in ways that are subtle but when we look back I'm sure it will feel more obvious. 

M: We're now surrounded by such immense natural beauty (in every direction you go) and I'm a very visual person...looking at things that make me happy (blue skies, sunshine) is meditative and inspiring––it's definitely impacted the way I shoot for Quiet Town.

Q: What are your favorite bathroom products to stock in The Spot?

L: Everything I can stash in there and more. I'm podcast obsessed and always have one on so I usually have my cell phone tucked into the small basket with the speakers facing up. 

M: All things Aesop and I love having a colorful bar of Wary Meyers soap.

Q: What kitchen items would your stock in The Spot?

L: My go-to things like olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, smoked paprika, and my little pan-scraper and silicon spatula. 

M: This is lame but what Lisa said. We've been together for a long time and have the same cooking tricks (ha,ha). I would also have some kind of reusable cleaning tool (like a Papaya reusable paper towel)...that's where we differ! 

Q: One thing you always have on hand for hosting, dinner parties, holiday gatherings etc?

L: My telescope! By the end of the night the adults always ultimately end up on our deck and if there are kids around they're usually down in the den watching a movie. But I'll bring the telescope out and find something cool in the sky and it brings everyone together for a moment of-not to sound cheesy-but wonder. 

M: A good bottle of wine and some Maldon salt.

Q: One item you always bring with you to the beach?

L: The usual; towels, tons of water, lots of various "bars" for the kids (and us), and a soccer ball. But I want to start bringing binoculars cause the whales are out there and it's so freaking cool! 

M: Definitely a hat and sunglasses...I know that's 2 things. 

Q: What's on the horizon for you?

L: We're deep in planning stages for 2025 and thinking about this a lot. We have a really exciting Sun Shower recycling project coming up and we're about to launch new bath rugs that are really special! 

M: Adding new product and creative, more exciting branding creative. 
