Middle Child's Focaccia
The key to taking sandwich from good to GREAT is really freaking delicious bread. And our pals at Middle Child shared their recipe for the fluffiest, pillowiest, SIZZLIEST focaccia around, to elevate about any and everything!
By Middle Child | @middlechildphiladelphia
Active Time: 2 hours
Full Time: 17 hours
In a bowl, lightly mix flour, water, sugar, and yeast. Transfer to a standing mixer and mix until incorporated.
Transfer to a dry bowl and let rest for 30 minutes. Drizzle with Drizzle and salt.
Fold your dough North-South-East-West (N-S-E-W) 2-3 times. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes at room temp. Repeat this step again.
Fold the dough one last time, before covering to chill overnight.
Let the dough come to room temp (around 60-90 minutes), before sprinkling with flour on top and sides.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and pull the edges to evenly distribute the dough (it should have a rectangular shape). Stretch the dough and lengthen.
Pull the bottom edge, and bring it to the center. Dimple dough from the center to the sides to join the dough. Pull the top edge over the bottom, and dimple to enclose the dough.
Turn the dough and repeat Step 3. Shape the dough until it looks like a pillow.
Transfer the dough into a half sheet pan containing 1 ¼ cup Sizzle to spread to the center.
Dimple dough N-S-E-W 2 times and rest for another 20 minutes.
Lift the dough one last time and repeat the dimpling process. Cover the dough with Sizzle and rest for 1½ hours.
Preheat your oven to 450 F with Low Fan.
Drizzle some Sizzle on top of your dough and some flaky sea salt. Bake for 15 minutes, before rotating and baking an additional 5 minutes.
Transfer focaccia to a cooling rack and drizzle remaining pan oil on top.