Get The Trio
Three oils for all your cooking, baking, frying, and dressing.
New! “Frizzle”
Neutral flavored and naturally refined, Frizzle is your high heat kitchen hero.
including a lot of the “extra-virgin” stuff, is blended from old, low-quality oils.
High quality olive oils that look great on your counter but are too expensive to cook with.
Olive oil the way it should be:
Single Origin Olive Oil that’s made to be used, not saved.
Olives are actually a fruit, and olive oil is their juice. Fresh is best!
Picual trees can be over a thousand years old. They're called Grandfathers. Respect.
Vegetable oil doesn't come from vegetables. Sneaky!
It takes about 5,000 (!) olives just to make one bottle of “Drizzle”.
A chicken can live for MONTHS with its head cut off. Isn't that crazy??!